Things to consider when Planning an outdoor summer ceremony

Photo by Vitor Monthay

Summer weddings have an undeniable charm.

The warm weather, lush greenery, and the abundance of natural light make summer an ideal season for an outdoor wedding celebration. However, planning an outdoor summer wedding requires careful consideration of quite a few factors to ensure the celebration is as enjoyable for your guests as possible. Keep reading to make sure your outdoor summer wedding goes off without any issues.

  1. Choose The Perfect Venue

No matter what season you’re getting married in, having the perfect venue is always one of the biggest decisions you make have to make. When selecting your venue for an outdoor summer wedding, look for venues that offer a picturesque background like gardens, waterfalls, beaches, and vineyards. Make sure you consider the size of your guest list to ensure the venue you choose can comfortably accommodate everyone. Other factors to consider are handicap accessibility, parking, permits, noise regulations, and back-up options.

2. Weatherproof your plans

Although most of Summer brings beautiful weather, it’s crucial to be prepared for unexpected weather changes. Before booking, review historical weather patterns for your wedding location, date, and time. Make a backup plan for extreme heat or rain and consider renting tents and canopies to provide shade and shelter. You can always provide wedding favors like paper fans, umbrellas, cooling towels, and sunscreen to keep your guests comfortable throughout the entire ceremony.

3. timing is key

Be mindful of the weather at the time of your ceremony. Plan your ceremony for a time when the weather is generally more comfortable for guests to sit outside. Choose a ceremony time in the morning or late afternoon (4 or 4:30 PM ceremonies work best for most venues). Also, consider the direction of the sun to avoid direct sunlight onto your bridal party and ceremony. Direct sunlight is not only harsh for your guests but also for your wedding photos.

4. Guest comfort & dress code

Although it’s your day, it is important to keep your guests’ comfort in mind. When having an outdoor summer ceremony, choose a wedding dress code that allows guests to wear light, breathable fabrics. Cocktail attire or Semi-Formal dress codes typically work best. Provide ample shade options, especially for the elderly, expecting, or young (if you’re allowing children). Providing a water and beverage station prior to the ceremony is a great way to keep everyone hydrated.

5. Don’t over decorate

Take advantage of the beautiful natural scenery of your venue. Incorporate seasonal flowers, greenery, and natural textures to complement the outdoor setting. Talk with your venue to see if they have any arches or other items you can use as well as your florist. Typically outdoor flowers can be moved indoors for the reception- dual usage and saves ya some money! Consider environmentally friendly decor options like biodegradable confetti.

6. vendor logisitcs

Once you’ve booked the rest of your vendors, be sure to talk to them about the logistics of the venue in advance. Take advantage of any open houses your venue holds and walk the grounds to figure out the details- scout out picturesque locations for golden hour photos, where the DJ is going to set up for ceremony and reception, if there are ample lighting options, etc. The more information you can communicate to your vendors the better.

7. communicate with your guests

Guests love to know if the ceremony is indoors or outdoors. Make sure you’re this information on your wedding website and invitations so guests can plan ahead.

Outdoor wedding ceremonies can make your dream wedding come true.

By thoughtfully considering factors like venue, weather, timing, and guest comfort, you can ensure your outdoor summer wedding will be a delightful experience that leaves a lasting impression on everyone in attendance. Embrace the seasonal elements and allow them to enhance the romance in your celebration.


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